Episode 02 – Get used to it

Episode 02 – Get used to it

(0:34) DG News; (3:55) Bob Ross shares some intimate advice, (5:04) Don Early discusses the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser in his segment, Dead by Don, and (20:22) Kentucky Blue Clay takes us on a Time-Trotting Adventure in an old-timey radio play.

The Time-Trotting Adventures of Kentucky Blue Clay

  • Kentucky Blue Clay – Brian Lewis
  • Zoe Adastra – Trin Miller
  • Narrator/Lord Carnarvon – Andy Dopieralski
  • Waiter/Howard Carter – Bryan Bender
  • Sound Engineering – Andy Dopieralski
  • Written by – Jenna McMichael, Tiffani Pike, Andy Dopieralski, and Brian Lewis
  • Special Thanks – Tiffani Pike, Scott C. Brown.
  • Based on Characters created by Jesse Stratton, Brian Lewis, Nathan Rice & Jenna McMichael.
  • Zoe Adastra was created by Ben Dobyns, Beau Prichard, and Trin Miller.

Episode links:


5 responses to “Episode 02 – Get used to it”

  1. Hey Don. I’m loving this podcast and excited to see it continue. A quick suggestion: I recommend adding time stamps for the major sections. Perhaps like this:

    (0:34) News; (3:51) Bob Ross shares some intimate advice; (5:04) Don Early discusses the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser in his segment, Dead by Don. (20:10) Kentucky Blue Clay takes us on a Time-Trotting Adventure in an old-timey radio play; (34:39) End credits.

    ~Seth (AKA LinkMasterGeneral)

    1. Don Early Avatar
      Don Early

      Thanks Seth. That suggestion is easy enough to implement.

  2. Quinlan Schultz Avatar
    Quinlan Schultz

    I think Zoe needs another stand-in; she and Trin sound nothing alike. 😛

    Also, KBC had better eventually get a mustache-twirling archnemesis.

    1. Copy that! There’s actually a funny story about KBC’s arch nemesis…

  3. I like how Don places his person thoughts (which I agree for the most part), but also considers the other side of things the creators had to take in while making this. Applaud on this spot on the Podcast. Especially the area of black men and women. I have the highest agreement with it being the 21st Century, you’d think we; correction, the closed-minded people would get over whatever pushes that thought process.
    I can go on to other points made in the podcast, and ramble on — and ending up not making sense. But, I shall end here with a nod of my head to another episode to grab my attention 🙂

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