Tag: tabletop game
Aces And Eights
The pilots are reunited with Brony but TOM has a new connection. They travel to San Antonio to confront George Custer, play some poker, and maybe steal some treasure…
A Yosemite Outlaw in Samuel Clemmon’s Court
The outlaws awake to the sound of horses and a call to raise their hands. Joined by John Wesley Hardin, who has a new pilot, they travel to see King Samuel Clemmons and hear about a dark new force in the west.
A Certain Point Of View
The pilots of Project: Metaverse find themselves thrown into a war they never expected with the help of TOM. Secrets are revealed and more questions raised as they venture into the Kingdom of Yosemite. **Some Static In Points Due To Tech Issues**
…Are Closer Than They Appear
Several weeks after Nick confronted other Nick, Bruno is on a new job from his anonymous contact. This time he’s paired up with John Stone, a man looking for his brother who is involved with Project: Metaverse, and Cole, a British hacker with connections to Nick Krieger.
Things get more complicated in Sentinel City as the plan to save Kid Titan is interrupted by the arrival of a woman named Wendy Gates…and Titan. The pilots begin to suspect that all is not as it seems in the world of Project: Metaverse.
Remember The Titan
The pilots are exposed to a new reality and a new metaverse. Old and new heroes rise, plans are revealed, and we return to a world we once knew.
Basic Borking Math
Four strangers are brought together to compete in the latest in eSports Virtual Reality Gaming…Project: Metaverse. It’s winner take all until the top players are assigned to work as a team to stop another group of pilots who are attempting to hack the metaverse. Secrets abound and a figure from the past reveals their true…
Objects In A Mirror
Flashing back several months in the past, Nick attempts to reunite with his missing teammates after the events on Xerates Island. Along the way he learns some disturbing information about a possible mole in the group and something called Project: Metaverse…
Project: Metabork
Having found a way back home, the pilots are joined by Nick and learn some disturbing news about The Program. They travel to a world of joy that has been broken by other pilots…or would that be borken?