Tag: metaverse
Kitty Hawks And Werewolves
In the final push to save the legends of the Wonky West, the pilots take to the sky and the bush.
May Dreams Never Die
Brony, Crash, Rosie, and John head to a different version of the Weird West they know. Once there, they set about building the legend of Butch Cassidy.
A Grim Fairy Tale
The pilots return to a world they once knew…but things have gone a little borking wrong.
The Butcher, The Baker, The Mutation Maker
The team finds an old friend and a surprising secret comes to light.
A Legion Of Their Own
Crash is reunited with Andi, Jenika, Rosie, and Aquamarine. They leap into a world that mirrors one they know all too well, in an attempt to take the fight for the Metaverse to a new level.