Podcast: Masters of the Metaverse

  • Finger Licking’ Dead

    Finger Licking’ Dead

    The gang must race against a rival squad to defeat a “fowl” threat to Sentinel City.

  • Hyperreality Bites

    Hyperreality Bites

    Five strangers are forced into service on a mysterious mission, traveling to parallel universes and occupying the bodies of key figures. Their first world: surperheroes!…of reality TV?

  • Permanent Down Vote

    Permanent Down Vote

    With two of their own accused of murder, the MetaPilots seek out the real killer/s. Or are their teammates guilty after all?

  • The Family Business

    The Family Business

    Butch, Hex, Bombshell, and Lady Veil pitch a desperate fight again Dr. Migraine’s control. They soon learn that nothing is what it seems and that things are far more complicated than they first appear.

  • The End Of Everything

    The End Of Everything

    Inside a vault deep in The Arena, the pilots come face to face with some dark truths about the world as they knew it…and The End Of Everything.

  • Domed if You Do, Domed if You Don’t

    Domed if You Do, Domed if You Don’t

    As the pilots struggle with the reality of The Arena, inside Sentinel City something is amiss…and Butch Baker, Hex Destiny, and Bombshell 3.0 need to find out what it is.

  • Let the Fallout Begin

    Let the Fallout Begin

    The pilots must grapple with their new reality. As they fight for survival they encounter strange new creatures…and a new friend.